Monday, July 28, 2014

Youth Sunday - Part 2

To wrap up Youth Sunday, we had a cookout at Mike & Mary's. It started out with duct tape!

Anna just hanging around.

Waiting for food!

Fred, our cook!! The burgers were so yummy!


Lemon juice chugging competition!


What does a youth leader do when he has a bunch of boys over??

Why, he makes them move rocks, large rocks!

Mary yelling at Mike for wearing their granddaughter's helmet!!

Why did he need a helmet? Mashed potato wars!!

Our youth love Pastor Bryan.

They REALLY love him!

The mashed tators get everywhere!

Uh-oh! Christian is getting Mom! Think someone's in trouble!

What happens when you are new to youth group? You get completely covered in tators!

Potato War then turned into a water war!

After getting initiated with tators, Allie gets initiated with water!

The aftermath!

Nora, don't hug me!!

Brady was hiding from all the fun so we HAD to get him wet!

Nora did hug me as did Joylene!

Trash bags were the main fashion accessory after the wars!

Mike stuck his arm down & hole then screamed. Notice, no one reacted!

Getting a garden tour!

Mike set off a few small fireworks but it was too windy to do the big ones.

Everyone had a great time! It was a great way to wrap up Youth Sunday!!